Tio Format ********** What is TioFormat? ------------------ TIO is a data format used to provide informations about consumption, invoicing and state history. This innformation is used by SlapOS Master to generated invoices and/or utilisation reports. XSD --- `TioFormat XSD`:: Schema Components ----------------- Element: ``journal`` ++++++++++++++++++++ =============== ======= `Name` journal `Type` journal `Documentation` journal is the root element in the XML file =============== ======= `Schema Component Representation`:: Complex Type: ``journal`` +++++++++++++++++++++++++ =============== ======= `Name` journal `Documentation` Tio document contains transactions =============== ======= `Schema Component Representation`:: Complex Type: ``transaction`` +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =============== ======= `Name` transaction `Documentation` transaction contains a title, a start_date, a stop_date, a reference, a currency, a payment mode, some categories, some arrows and a list of movement. =============== ======= `Schema Component Representation`:: Element: ``title`` ++++++++++++++++++ =============== ======= `Name` title `Type` string `Documentation` title is the name of the transaction =============== ======= `Schema Component Representation`:: Element: ``start_date`` +++++++++++++++++++++++ =============== ======= `Name` start_date `Type` string `Documentation` the date at which a service started =============== ======= `Schema Component Representation`:: Element: ``stop_date`` ++++++++++++++++++++++ =============== ======= `Name` stop_date `Type` string `Documentation` the date at which a service was completed =============== ======= `Schema Component Representation`:: Element: ``reference`` ++++++++++++++++++++++ =============== ======= `Name` reference `Type` string `Documentation` absolute reference of the transaction =============== ======= `Schema Component Representation`:: Element: ``currency`` +++++++++++++++++++++ =============== ======= `Name` currency `Type` string `Documentation` currency used in the transaction =============== ======= `Schema Component Representation`:: Element: ``payment_mode`` +++++++++++++++++++++++++ =============== ======= `Name` payment_mode `Type` string `Documentation` payment mode of the transaction =============== ======= `Schema Component Representation`:: Element: ``category`` +++++++++++++++++++++ =============== ======= `Name` category `Type` string `Documentation` To add your own category section in the transaction =============== ======= `Schema Component Representation`:: Element: ``arrow`` ++++++++++++++++++ =============== ======= `Name` arrow `Type` arrow `Documentation` represents who provided a service to somebody else =============== ======= `Schema Component Representation`:: Complex Type: ``arrow`` +++++++++++++++++++++++ =============== ======= `Name` arrow `Documentation` contains a source and a destination. =============== ======= `Schema Component Representation`:: Element: ``source`` +++++++++++++++++++ =============== ======= `Name` source `Type` string `Documentation` who provided the service =============== ======= `Schema Component Representation`:: Element: ``destination`` ++++++++++++++++++++++++ =============== ======= `Name` destination `Type` string `Documentation` who received the service =============== ======= `Schema Component Representation`:: Element: ``movement`` +++++++++++++++++++++ =============== ======= `Name` movement `Type` movement `Documentation` represents how much service exchanged in the transaction =============== ======= `Schema Component Representation`:: Complex Type: ``movement`` ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =============== ======= `Name` movement `Documentation` contains a resource, a title, a reference, a quantity, a price, a VAT and some categories =============== ======= `Schema Component Representation`:: Element: ``resource`` +++++++++++++++++++++ =============== ======= `Name` resource `Type` string `Documentation` represents the kind of service provided =============== ======= `Schema Component Representation`:: Element: ``quantity`` +++++++++++++++++++++ =============== ======= `Name` quantity `Type` float `Documentation` represents the amount of service exchanged =============== ======= `Schema Component Representation`:: Element: ``price`` ++++++++++++++++++ =============== ======= `Name` price `Type` float `Documentation` represents the price of service exchanged =============== ======= `Schema Component Representation`:: Element: ``VAT`` ++++++++++++++++ =============== ======= `Name` VAT `Type` string `Documentation` represents the VAT of service exchanged =============== ======= `Schema Component Representation`::